Meet Juliette.
We have had Juliette for about 7 years. We got her from the Humane Society where her previous owners had placed her because she licked bags. Another family had already adopted her "partner in crime" Romeo, thus splitting up the pair. We felt bad for her and she loved on DH, so we brought her home.
She has been such a good kitty for us. Many members of my Hostess Clubs have become well acquainted with her lately, as she has really come out of her shell and visits when they are here.
About six months ago, she had this cloudiness on her left eye. We took her to the vet and they told us that as long as it wasn't bothering her (which it wasn't) we didn't need to worry about it. She's an indoor kitty, so no worries about her not being able to see predators well. She just has to deal with Gabe, our other kitty, who is even more shy than Juliette, and a lot of people don't even know that we have him.
Last week, she was our little pirate kitty, walking around with her left eye closing and goopy. So, off to the vet we went last Thursday. They gave us antibiotic cream for it and wanted to see her again in two days. Saturday's news was not so good. She has a large ulcer on her eye right in the middle of the cloudiness. They wanted to sedate her and debride the eye. Shudder. So, they kept her overnight, cleaned up the eye, stitched up her third eyelid and stitched the eye partially closed. She came home with a partially shaved head, stitches and a cone. Her follow up was scheduled for today (Friday).
We have been giving her the antibiotic cream three to four times a day but it really didn't appear that it was working. Her eye looked worse to me and she has not been eating well. She is also very mad at us for the indignity of the cone and collar (it has flowers and butterflies on it) plus the fact that she cannot hide under the bed anymore. Poor girl.
We took her back to the vet today and they cleaned up her eye and told us that it was looking as well as could be expected and to keep up with the cream and bring her back in five days. Needless to say, I am very relieved. I was very concerned that the news was not going to be good. The next step after this is to remove the eye, and I am not sure that we will be able to go down that path for a myriad of reasons.
Think good thoughts for our little love if you get a chance to. I will keep you updated.