DH pulled out a dead Scotch Broom and a dead rose bush yesterday, so we replaced some plantings today. Stidmama has inspired me with her gardening posts, so I thought that I would share our front yard.
This is the Rose of Sharon that lives where the broom lived before. We had three of these in the sideyard at the old house and I loved them and was sad to move away from them. There are a couple in the backyard here, but they are white and I really enjoy the purple ones. We will probably plant more along that front fence in the seasons to come.

This is one of our two Rhododendrons in the front yard. They are a vivid pink almost red in color, but I think that we are not going to get any blooms this year. They are looking peaked and they have buds, but everyone else's Rhodies are blooming, so I am fretful. There is one in front of, and one in back of this huge tree that is right in front of our dining room window.

This is our Clematis in the front yard. I love the deep purple of the flowers. I am sad about it though. As you can see, there is only one branch on this plant that is still alive. The rest is dead and it is planted in front of a fence and buried by the periwinkle and other assorted stuff planted in this corner. We will probably have to replace it next season and I am not sure how we are going to do that. We also have one in the backyard that is doing marginally better, but it is light pink/white.

This is a beautiful plant between a rose bush and some other shrub. I have no idea what it is, but it has pretty royal purple flowers. I think that this is the first year that we have seen it bloom since we moved in. I don't remember it from last year, but who knows. If you know what it is, would you mind telling me in the comments? Thanks!

This is our Forsythia that is by the front door. It is getting out of hand and we need to cut it back, but it is so pretty early in the season. I really need to get out in the front yard and clean up the beds, but gardening is not my passion. Nor is it DH's, so our yard always looks a little shabby. Oh well, it is ours and that's all that matters.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I have another post coming with pics of the kids assisting in the planting today.

This is our Clematis in the front yard. I love the deep purple of the flowers. I am sad about it though. As you can see, there is only one branch on this plant that is still alive. The rest is dead and it is planted in front of a fence and buried by the periwinkle and other assorted stuff planted in this corner. We will probably have to replace it next season and I am not sure how we are going to do that. We also have one in the backyard that is doing marginally better, but it is light pink/white.

This is a beautiful plant between a rose bush and some other shrub. I have no idea what it is, but it has pretty royal purple flowers. I think that this is the first year that we have seen it bloom since we moved in. I don't remember it from last year, but who knows. If you know what it is, would you mind telling me in the comments? Thanks!

This is our Forsythia that is by the front door. It is getting out of hand and we need to cut it back, but it is so pretty early in the season. I really need to get out in the front yard and clean up the beds, but gardening is not my passion. Nor is it DH's, so our yard always looks a little shabby. Oh well, it is ours and that's all that matters.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I have another post coming with pics of the kids assisting in the planting today.

Hey R-
the mystery plant is a Salvia. It is a perenial and part of the sage family. They are quite hardy and should come back bigger next year.
Thank you very much my green thumbed friend!
I love this post!
The rhodies might need extra water, they don't like to be dry. And if they get a LOT of sun, you might try providing some shade for them until things cool off again.
But your yard is so pretty (great fence) and you have some great plants in it!
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