As promised . . . Here are Tea and Crackers watering the Rose of Sharon. Tea has fake colored hair extensions in - they are the bomb! Crackers has a dinosaur hat on. They both have on their gardening gloves that were a gift from Auntie Karen. They wear them whenever they are in the yard.

Here they are helping DH plant the new rose bush, sort of. They are waiting for their turn to water.

This is my view out the front door to the right just a little bit. That's the way to the driveway and also the view out the dining room window. We have a cute little porch right here with a nice bench to sit on and enjoy the outdoors.

This is to the left looking towards the neighbor's driveway. I believe that the two trees in the front yard have been here as long as (or close to it) as the house, so that would put them at about 40 years old.

This is slightly to the left of the front door, looking across the street.
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