Sunday, June 28, 2009

Caught Up

I think that I am all caught up right now! I promise to make a better effort to keep caught up in the future.

Some of the things that happened that I don't have pictures of:

  • I was elected Vice President - Fundraising for the PTO at Mamie Towles.
  • The Girl Scout Troop went roller skating. My kids missed it because we passed around the yucky stomach virus for about two weeks in our house.
  • Stampin' Up! has come out with a new catalog that starts in July - it is so very pretty!
  • We painted the kids' bathroom - gave it a little spruce up.
  • Tea went to Vacation Bible School for a week right after school let out - she had a lot of fun.
  • Swim lessons start in two weeks!
  • She will have a team of teachers for first grade - there are two teachers in her classroom, so she gets a bigger class. We are both looking forward to it.
Thanks for reading!

Me and My Guy

At the beginning of June, our Girl Scout Service Unit held a "Me and My Guy" Dance. The theme was masquerade. About half of Tea's troop went and my mother took the pictures of the event.


June was a big month! Tea got her ears pierced and graduated from Kindergarten!

They also got to practice having lunch in the cafeteria, so they could be prepared for next year!

The Beauty Parlor

Tea and Crackers got their hair "done" in May - Tea got pink, like her momma, and Crackers got a buzz cut.

Dancing, Dancing, I Wish I Could Go Dancing

I have no idea where that came from, but my mom used to sing it to us all the time. ;)

Crackers started dance class with Tea - he used sit in the back with me and do all of the routines, so I signed him up. Bought him the cutest little black ballet shoes and away he went. There was a recital in June, but Crackers missed it as he was sick. Dad stayed home with him while mom was the stage mom again, so I don't have any video or pics of the recital. My mom did take some, but the lighting was horrible, so the best pics are of Tea in her makeup, which you have all seen before.

Sierra Nevada Ballet came into the school and worked with the kids for a couple of months on ballet as well. They did a small recital for the parents at the end of it.

May - Elmo's Green Thumb

Tea, Crackers and Little Squirrel went to see Elmo's Green Thumb in May. The show was a huge hit and the kids had a bunch of fun. Because we are all KNPB Birthday Club members, we got to meet Elmo before the show backstage. He was resting his voice, but we did get pictures.

Egg Drop Day

In the beginning of April, the kindergarten students were issued a challenge. They were to wrap their egg so that it would survive a fall from the roof of the school. The ideas were varied and ingenious. Some eggs had parachutes, some had miles of bubble wrap, some were in balloons. All of the ideas were great ones, but not all survived the drop.

Tea's daddy helped with hers and it did survive. It is a bit hard to see in the pictures, but the egg is in the middle of the Styrofoam jack. The jack just bounced around once it was dropped and the egg was not jostled. Good work Tea and Dad!

The principal on the roof, dropping eggs.

The Egg Jack Mark II

The egg survived - wahoo!


Easter was fun, as usual. We went to my parents' house, along with my sister and her family and hunted eggs there. The twins are getting big (all of the kids are, actually) and they are really getting into the spirit of things.

Daddy took the kids to a friends' house to color eggs, since Momma was working.


I have been really bad - so sorry. I am going to try to keep up - again!

Momma got pink hair for the summer. Usually on April 16th I change my hair color until it is time to go back to work.

Crackers got a shiner and a scrape on his eye. He was playing with my nephew and ran into the back of the couch. He is definitely all boy!

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