Thursday, February 21, 2008

Butterfly Cupcake Cake


My mom found these cute little silicone cupcake pans at the store. She bought us two - a butterfly for Tea and a train for Crackers. I have not had much luck with silicone baking pans before but thought that we would give it a try. Apparently the secret is to let the cake completely cool in the pan. Who knew?

So, we made the cakes yesterday and frosted them today. They were pretty crumby so I didn't spread frosting all over them, I used the flower tip and put the frosting on in spots.

The kids are ecstatic that they butterfly came out so nice and now Crackers wants his train cupcakes. I figure if I practice at it a bit more, I can make these cakes for the kids' birthday. We shall see.

The bottom picture is the back of the package that has the layout on it.
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1 comment:

Stidmama said...

Just getting around to saying "YAY" for the cake experiment! What a great idea, especially for parties. No need for a serving knife anymore!

Wish they'd had things like this around when my kids were little.