My dad (Bubba to most of us) was diagnosed with esophageal cancer mid-June of this year. He had been losing weight, having trouble swallowing, not eating much, and just generally feeling poopy.
The big C explains all of that! The tumor is right where the esophagus and the stomach meet, at the cardia. It is starting to poke all the way through and into the abdominal cavity.
So, Bubba has been having test after test after test and meeting with doctor after doctor after doctor. Today, he had a PET scan to see if the cancer has spread. He met with the radiologist last week to get the plan of attack.
He will have 5 - 6 weeks of radiation therapy, Monday through Friday, with some low dose chemo thrown in there for good measure. The chemo is two different medicines. One goes in IV on the first day of radiation and then again 4 weeks later. The other one gets a PICC line on the first day of radiation and stays for four days, then comes out. Lather, rinse and repeat 4 weeks later.
I didn't write the names of the chemo down, that's mom's area of expertise. I am just here to support them both and do what ever they need me to do. And to cry. You know, I am the emotional one (truly, I am, it is not news to anyone that has known me for more than three days).
The radiologist last week told my parents that they caught it early and that Bubba has an excellent attitude. The way Bubba sees it, if mom can beat cancer twice (breast and bladder, both primaries) he can do it once. And I do believe he will.
So, I have now decided that I no longer enjoy the month of June, even if it is my birthday month. Mom's first diagnosis came in June, Bubba's came in June, my grandfather died in June and we had the service on my birthday, and my grandmother died in June. I think that I shall skip it from now on! That way, I won't get any older!
Anyway, enough of the pity party. The outlook is good, the attitude is good and we shall fight the good fight. We always welcome good thoughts and prayers and I will do my best to keep this blog updated as Bubba goes through his treatment.
Much love to all.
Very nicely done.
As you can see in the pic I was as usual cold and didn't get warm until late June poor Jan had to put up with the hot house all winter and for what spring we had. The cancer is just a bump in the road and will be dealt with.
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