Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Catalogs, catalogs, catalogs!

We in the Tea'N'Crackers household have been overrun by catalogs. And, in our household, there are two points of view on this "dilemma."

Of course, DH works for the Post Office, so any mail is good mail, it keeps food on our plates.

On the other hand, we just throw them away, what a waste! We have found the Catalog Choice website and are hoping that this is the answer to our dilemma. We signed up with them (completely free) and as we get catalogs, we go to the website and opt out of future mailings. All it asks for is your name and address and your customer number from each catalog.

It says that it takes approximately 10 weeks, so we shall see. We just started yesterday and we have 5 catalogs on our opt out list already. We thought that maybe other households in our network were being overrun by catalogs, so we wanted to share.


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