Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter

The kids and I went to church this morning and then off to my parents' house for the Great Egg Hunt. My sister and her kids were there as well, so we all got to hang out, have breakfast and hunt eggs.

It was a good day. Enjoy the pics and I hope your Easter was fun, too!

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Locks of Love

Tea has a tender head.

Tea does not like getting her hair combed.

Tea's parents had enough last night.

Tea got a haircut.

She has seen a blurb on PBS Kids Go about a young lady that donated her hair to Locks of Love. She has mentioned in the past that she wanted to do this.

We reminded her about Locks of Love this morning and she agreed to donate her hair.

So, off to Snip Its we went. They do a great job there and they cater to kids. Plus, if you are donating your hair, they do the cut for free - which we totally did not expect.

The hair has to be bundled (in a ponytail or braid) and has to be 10" long from tip to tip. Tea's hair just qualified. If there are pieces that are shorter, Locks of Love sells the short pieces to offset the cost of making wigs.

Her new hairdo is so darn cute and we are proud of her for thinking of others.

We hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we do!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Tea and Crackers love to bowl. We have gone three times in the last 6 weeks or so. It is nice that DH has time off during the week so he can do this stuff with us.

Tea beat me today - she got a 95 and I got an 86. In my defense, she had bumpers, so she couldn't get a gutter ball :)

I think that this may be a sport that we keep up on with the kids!

Train Cake

This is the follow up to the butterfly cupcake cake. Crackers wanted me to color the cake batter green, but it is hard to see in the picture. It must have been good because it disappeared!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tea and her glasses

Tea is blind like her parents! She has an astigmatism in both eyes and is a touch nearsighted.

So, she picked out the purple Disney Princess Jasmine frames. How appropriate :)

She only needs them for reading and school work and TV if she wants.