Saturday, July 5, 2008

Meet our Pirate Kitty

Pirate Juliette is now our one-eyed kitty.

The first picture is when we were trying to save the eye. The second is after the eye had been removed and the last is with the stitches out. She had her own Independence Day of sorts. She got her stitches out and cone off on July 4th. The little area towards the top of where her eye would be is where she scratched a bit of her scab off once she got her cone off.

We brought her home and she came out of the carrier and promptly proceeded to groom herself all over. She seems to be adapting well and is eating well again, too. The vet says that her fur will grow completely over the site and it will seem as if there was never an eye there in the first place.

Poor girl!

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