Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Back . . .

I'm so sorry that I have been ignoring the blogosphere. We have been a fun having, busy family and here is the proof.

Tea and Crackers started swimming lessons last week. Tea is in the big kid's class and doesn't get a parent to swim with her. Her best friend and her best friend's schoolmate are also in the class and they are heck on water! But, all three are doing well and enjoying themselves. This is such a turn around from last year.

Tea also started ballet classes again this month. She tried them out right after turning three and did not enjoy herself. She appears to be having a blast now! Their first recital is on May 31st - keep an eye on this space!

Crackers is in the water babies class, so he gets to (has to) have a parent with him, since he is not yet three. He seems to love it, but then he always has. Even for an indoor pool, the water is still cold, and the showers are too hot, but we manage. Momma swam with him Thursday.

Tax season is over and I did well this year. Better than I expected to, as a matter of fact. Next year is going to be a challenge, with Tea starting kindergarten and only going for half days. Half day kindergarten is a mere 2.5 hours. We'll figure out the work schedule when we get closer. I really do enjoy this line of work and appreciate that it lets me get out of the house, bring in some extra money for the family and still be with the kids. Grandma (DH's mom) helped us out this year by babysitting for us during the tax season, so it was really a win win situation all around.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Raina. Saw your post on the McQ reunion page and thought I'd stop by and say hello. How have things been?

Brent Busboom