Monday, February 25, 2008

How Fast Do You Type?

I'll admit, it is later at night and I think that I normally do better, but for what it is worth:

58 words

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Butterfly Cupcake Cake


My mom found these cute little silicone cupcake pans at the store. She bought us two - a butterfly for Tea and a train for Crackers. I have not had much luck with silicone baking pans before but thought that we would give it a try. Apparently the secret is to let the cake completely cool in the pan. Who knew?

So, we made the cakes yesterday and frosted them today. They were pretty crumby so I didn't spread frosting all over them, I used the flower tip and put the frosting on in spots.

The kids are ecstatic that they butterfly came out so nice and now Crackers wants his train cupcakes. I figure if I practice at it a bit more, I can make these cakes for the kids' birthday. We shall see.

The bottom picture is the back of the package that has the layout on it.
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Something Blue

This will be quick as the kids are in the tub and it is the first time I have not had Crackers "velcroed" to me today.

I am blue because he is so sick. He woke me up Tuesday night with the croupy, barking cough and has been running a fever since Wednesday - thank you preschool.

We kept him home today and all he wanted to do was nurse and cuddle with me. Needless today, I have not accomplished much, and I have two Stampin' Up! workshops tomorrow. DH and I have been trading off with Crackers so we can get a little uninterrupted sleep, but he goes back to work tonight (after only having one day off).

The ped says to take him to pediatric urgent care on Sunday if he is still running a fever. Poor kid.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Something Borrowed

Today is something borrowed.

I borrowed this picture from one of my favorite funny websites:

Humorous Pictures
moar humorous pics

I also borrowed my mom to help me with Tea and Crackers at their respective Valentine parties today. What a zoo! I forgot the camera, so no pictures from the party. Crackers' class had 12 kids, two were not there because it wasn't their regular day, so ten little ones running around. Thank heavens the teacher didn't let them eat their Valentine candy! Tea's class had 14 kids, two were also not there because it wasn't their regular day. Mom said they were out of control!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Something New

Sorry, no pictures, Crackers has croup and was clingy today. I will work on pictures tomorrow, hopefully!

Here's my something new . . .

Crackers started preschool last week (thanks for the croup!) He has been begging to go with big sister and they had an opening for one day a week. So, he goes on Fridays, with Tea. He is in the babybugs room and they work on potty training. I'm not sure how well that will work with his only being there one day a week, but it is a start.

He just goes for a half day, so I drop them off on my way to work and then I pick them up around 12:45. They are there about four hours. Last Friday, the director said that he didn't cry for mom and dad, but he cried for sissy.

Tea goes three days a week (M/W/F) and she was the queen kahuna last Friday, introducing baby brother around to all of the kids and the teachers. She loves being a big sister so far.

Tomorrow is their Valentine's party. My mom and I are going to take them since it isn't a regular school day for them, but they should have fun. I'll take the camera, but we have seen my track record so far!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Something Old

OK, I am playing along with the blogging convergence that can be found here.

My Babble friends made me do it. :)

We have a vanity and chair in Tea's room that belonged to my father's mother. I recently had both refinished and they sure look snazzy now. I will get a picture tomorrow and post it. My sister has the matching dresser in her house, I believe in her bedroom. She also has a matching chair. Grandma embroidered the seat covers and our names were written on the bottom of them, so we would definitely get them!

We just looked at a bunch of family tree stuff over the weekend, and in that packet, from DH's cousin in Las Vegas, are some pictures of his grandmother that we named Tea after. There are also some great pictures of his dad and his dad's parents, etc. on up the line. Again, I will try to get them scanned and posted later on.

With the tax season being in full swing, we are a bit crazy around the household. Add to that four Stampin' Up! workshops this month with one new recruit and you have a busy momma!